Makes coughing easier and helps with the breathing.
Bronchipret contains either the plant combination of thyme and ivy or thyme and primrose. These highly powerful plant combinations are effective in the treatment of cough as they fight inflammation of the bronchial tissue making it easier to breathe. Inflammation of the bronchia can cause serious pain if it remains neglected, however, regular use of Bronchipret alleviates the symptoms of cough and provides relief.
Ingredients: 100ml (Correspond To 112 G) Liquid For Oral Use Contain: 16.8 G Fluid Extract Of Thyme Herb (1:2-2.5); Extracting Agent: 10% Ammonia Solution (M/m): 85% Glycerol (M/m): 90% Ethanol (V/v): Water (1:20:70:109); 1.68 G Fluid Extract Of Ivy Leaves (1:1); Extracting Agent: 70% Ethanol (V/V).