This is an interactive educational three-dimensional story suitable for early childhood education. It aims to engage children in reading and literacy with the story's protagonists: the rabbit and the turtle. The story takes the child on enjoyable adventures with these characters, experiencing unique scenes that unfold interactively. Would you like to cultivate the joy of reading in your child? Do you want to draw their attention to the importance of perseverance, determination for success, and facing challenges? What is the well-known story of the rabbit and the turtle in world heritage? This story tells of a race between a proud rabbit and an active turtle who competed one day to find out who is faster. What happened in the race? Who won in the end? Was the outcome fair? These are things your child will learn from reading this enjoyable story, where they will gain various values such as perseverance, determination for success, and avoiding arrogance and mockery of others.
This series includes the following stories: Pinocchio, The Rabbit and the Turtle, The Ugly Duckling, The Emperor's New Clothes, Leila and the Wolf, The snowman, Where's Our Mother?.