The game is aimed to teach Arabic alphabet and ability to speak.
It helps to learn new words and recognize the objects.
Child tries to read letter and find the object starting with the same letter.
The set includes 56 puzzles (28 letters and 28 words) to match. You can play with one child, or up to 4 kids can be involved. The game is aimed to teach Arabic alphabet and ability to speak. It helps to learn new words and recognize the objects. Place all cards in the middle of table. Child tries to read letter and find the object starting with the same letter. When it is recognized, attach them together and pronounce letter and object. Player places card in the middle of the table face down into 2 groups (letters and words). First player takes 2 cards from 2 groups and opens in front of everyone. If they are matching, he keeps them, if not- returning to the piles, and turn goes to the next child. Who has the most cards-winner.